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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Comparative Study of Polymer Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Conventional Concrete Pavement

( Special Issue VIT Campus,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ishfaq Ul Abass, Nasir Manzoor, Shoaib Tanwar, Manish Kumawat, Alfahad khan


Polymer fibre concrete pavement, Polypropylene fiber waste as fiber reinforcement


transportation is without a doubt the lifesaver of the country and its improvement is a critical concern. The conventional bituminous pavement and its requirements for ceaseless upkeep and recovery tasks focus on the extension for cement concrete pavement. There are a few benefits of concrete substantial asphalts over bituminous asphalts. This paper underlines POLYMER FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENTS, which is a new headway in the field of supported substantial asphalt plans. A similar investigation of this pavement with the ordinary concrete pavement has been made utilizing Polypropylene fiber squander as fiber support.

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