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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Comparative Study on Strength Enhancement of Concrete Using Magnetic and Normal Water

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Parthiban P M.E., Prof.M.Rajalingam M.E., M.I.E., Dr.Sunilaa George


The most important challenge for concrete technologists is to improve the properties of concrete. In the last two decades, a new technology, called magnetic water technology, has been used in the concrete industry. In this technology, by passing water through a magnetic field, some of its physical properties tends to change and, as a result of such changes, the number of molecules in the water cluster, which causes a decrease in the surface tension of water, with an improvement in the workability and strength of concrete.

              Magnetic treatment of water increases the ion solubility and pH. This technique is mostly used for the softening of water and, for the first time in this research, it has been adopted by the scientists for the production of concrete with improved strength. Some researchers hypothesize that magnetic treatment affects the nature of hydrogen bonds between water molecules which increases the pH and softens the water.

Popular From the refered literature, it has been observed that the concrete made with magnetic water has higher slump values. Also in some cases, the compressive strength of the magnetic concrete samples was higher than that of the control concrete samples (up to 39%)[. The cement content can be reduced by 28% in the case of magnetic concrete. Similarly the test conducted on recirculated magnetic water shows change in pH value from 7.8 to 8.7 with increase in recirculation time. The hardness also reduced from 310 to 190 mg/lit due to recirculation of magnetic water. This study is aimed to compare the strength of concrete in Magnetic and Normal water concrete by performing tests like compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength at the age of 7 and 28 days.


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