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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Comparing Data Analysis for Hemodynamic Monitoring in the Vigileo and LiDCORapid Models

( Volume 3 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tomokazu Nagasawa, Yoshifumi Kawakubo, Keisuke Hayashi, Masanobu Tsurumoto, Norihisa Kitamoto, Masanori Tsukamoto, Takeshi Yokoyama


Currently, the standard method of cardiac output monitoring is to use a Swan-Ganz catheter. This catheter can lead to complications, and therefore the benefits over risks are being analyzed. In order to have a continuous monitoring of cardiac output or circulatory dynamics in a less invasive form, two different devices were developed. The first device that was developed is the Vigileo monitor (Vigileo) (Edwards Lifesciences corporation, CA, USA) and the second device is the LiDCORapid (Lidcolimited, London, UK). The comparison analysis of the cardiac output was measured between the Vigileo and LiDCORapid. A blood pressure calibrator made by BIO-TEK INSTRUMENTS called BIO-TEK601A was used for the artificial pressure source. Aortic pressure (Ao) and radial artery pressure (Rd) was obtained through the BIO-TEK601A. The CO was displayed from the data that was divided into each model, gender, age and input waveform. For statistical evaluation of the experimental data, Mann-Whitney U-test or Wilcoxon Signed rank sum test were used. The CO results from the Vigileo model were less dependent on the Ao or Rd pressure compared to the LiDCORapid model.  The Vigileo was determined to have less variability with CO results compared to the LiDCORapid model.

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