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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Consumer’s Perception Towards Organic Food Products in Rural Area of Haryana

( Volume 3 Issue 5,May 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Pardeep Kumar, Dr.Hema Gulati


India is a country of villages and around 60 percent of its population are living in villages and depends on agriculture. The Indian economy is still depends on agriculture and it contributes around 14% to the country GDP. Production of organic products is also a part of agriculture. Now a day organic products are emerged as a growing sector in India. This study is conducted to examine the customer perception towards organic products in rural area of Haryana in India. The main aims of the study is to know that what customer actually behave towards organic products. For the purpose of the study a sample of 110 respondents was taken

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