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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Database Security of E-Commerce Based on Hybrid Encryption

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Aditi Gupta


E-business database is extremely helpful in today's reality as it continued creating and winning tremendous benefit. Information in a database in e-trade is vital. We should have the complete security. Information is the most important resource in today's reality as it takes day –to-day life structure as it record everyday exchange. Databases are the most loved focus to the aggressors. Despite the fact that the examination of client enrollment and recovering secret key, the security issue existing as the conventional strategy for recording in e-business. On the premise of symmetric and hilter kilter encryption advances the half breed encryption advances has been sent to consolidate both of the past advances. Mixture encryption innovation has been to enhance the database security of –ecommerce.

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Total View : 772 | Downloads : 763 | Page No: 144-147 |

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