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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Deformation Analysis of Wood Cutting Set-upusing ANSYS

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Priyadarshani Gaikwad, Komal Gund, Kulsum Kazi, Bhairavi Fund, Pravin S. Kachare


Now a day’s machines are very expensive and having high maintenance and as there is increase in technology in daily activity the manually operated hydraulic wood cutting machine is used. The wood cutting tool is important element for cutting wood into small pieces and which reduces the human effort. It is manually operated machine which reduces the human effort. This is performed in order to improve the quality, efficiency and reduction in cost. The hydraulic wood cutter is the wood cutting machine which is used to cut the wood into small pieces. The wood cutting tool is the main element of the wood cutting device. In this paper deformation analysis of wood cutting tool for variable load is carried out. The deformation analysis is carried out by varying the load acting on the wood cutting tool. The deformation analysis is performed by using ANSYS 15.0. The ANSYS Workbench is an intuitive up-front analysis tool that is used in conjunction with CAD system. ANSYS is a finite element analysis tool for structural analysis which includes linear, nonlinear and dynamic studies. It provides the equation solver for wide range of mechanical problem solvers. For deformation analysis the ANSYS Workbench software is used.In this deformation analysis, it is observed that the deformation increases with increase in load. The deformation analysis is carried out for 200kN, 300kN, 500kN forces on tool which gives deformation in tool element.The simulation for analysis of the deformation behavior wood cutting tool at different loads like 200 to 500 KN at an interval of 100 KN is analyzed. As load increases on the cutting tool the deformation also increases.



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