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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Demonetisation and E-banking in India

( Volume 3 Issue 1,January 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr.Sweta Singhal


This case study examine the awareness level of people of rural areas in India about e-banking facilities and how much it has increased after demonetization. The present study is conducted to investigate the use of e-banking facilities for purposes post demonetization in India. An awareness level scale and an operation level scale are administered about simple transaction activities like amount transfer to other person’s account on a sample of 100 people of rural and urban areas of India.  An ANNOVA test was conducted which shows that rural people differ significantly with urban people in their awareness level as well as usage level of e-banking. The survey was done on rural and urban customers of both public and private sector banks. It is observed that urban male youth have higher awareness and usage of e-banking whereas rural women have noticeable awareness about e-banking but level of using it is very low. Further stepwise regression analysis determines the factors that contributed in creating awareness and use pattern of e-banking. Finding of the study are helpful for banks to improve their e-banking facilities, making their websites user friendly and improving awareness and usage of e-banking.

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