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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Depiction of Post-War Hegemonic Masculinity in D.H. Lawrences Novel

( Volume 2 Issue 7,July 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Angelina Subrayan


This study is focused on the analytical examination on masculinity in the classic fiction of D.H Lawrence. Based on the narrative data from the novel Aaron’s Rod (1922), this paper explores how and why hegemonic masculinity is conformed by the male protagonist. The consequences of social practices and socio-historical situation in which Lawrence scripted the novel is also examined. In view of the fact that the novel chosen is connected to Lawrence’s own life encounters, the author’s perception on masculinity is also studied. The discursive routes occupied by the male protagonist is examined established on Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinity. As such, this analysis perceives the novel as supporting a postmodern situation highlighting numerous discourses which review the conventional concepts of hegemonic masculinity, but do not construct a contemporary representation of supreme masculinity in its place. This study may possibly postulate more profound perceptions into literary discourse that are fundamental for educators and social researchers to look beyond texts through the lens of masculinity studies.

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