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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Design and Manufacturing of Progressive Die

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Pritam B. bhawar, Shubhangi A Dongare,Shubham R Bhamare, Ajinkya B Padul, Shubham V. Shirsath


Progressive die performs a series of operations in a single die at two or more workstations. There is given finish part at eachstroke of press machine. Design and development of progressive die is one of the important phase in sheet metal manufacturing. Thesmall error at any work station can induce heavy manufacturing losses through die failure, part geometry distortion and productionrisk. This research deals with designing a progressive die, simulating the blanking and piercing process. By using this die we canproduce accurate component. In this work authors have designed a progressive die which have two work stations. The former operationis piercing and is followed by blanking. It is the material removing tool. This progressive die is designed for Seva Engineers Pvt. Ltd. which is further used in agricultural sector. There is no of workstation gives the no of operation formed on thepart. Required modeling is done with CATIA.

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Total View : 887 | Downloads : 878 | Page No: 81-84 |

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