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Design and Optimization of Solar Using MPPT Algorithm Controlled by Two-Wheeler HEV Using MATLAB Simulink

( Volume 8 Issue 1,January 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Harpreet Singh Matharu, Shivsharan Siddhant, Akib Ali Batt, Rafooz Ahmad Bhat


Mobile Banking, Intention to Use, UTAUT, Millennials.


Now a days two-wheeler HEV is an excellent option for low and medium power application due to its high efficiency, high torque to inertia ratio, large energy volume and minimum maintenance. According to the study's results, the suggested control algorithm lowers power losses caused by high frequency switching by removing phase current sensors and regulating voltage source inverter (VSI) fundamental frequency switching. There are no additional controllers or electronics necessary to regulate the speed of the two-wheeler HEV.

The VSI variable DC jumper voltage controls the speed. Soft-starting a two-wheeler HEV is possible using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Our agricultural business is greatly dependant on rainfall. The system is totally powered by renewable energy, which is always available and unconstrained. Solar energy generation has advanced technologically, making the system more efficient. As a consequence, this technology might be utilised to solve the problem of load shedding in irrigation. In this way, solar power benefits farmers in decreasing their energy costs and obtaining a competitive advantage if excess electricity is sent to the utility grid. Brushless DC motors are simple, cost-effective, and efficient for a PV solar water pumping system. The Zeta Transformer is used to extract the most power from the SPV range.

This article also discusses the topic of developing a Solar Powered BLDC Motor to drive an Two wheeler Electric Vehicle, which is one of the answers to the impending issue. The strategy to picking the proper components for this application is explored, and each of them is simulated and submitted to numerous tests. The complete system, which included the solar module, batteries, a boost converter, and a two-wheeler HEV, was dubbed the Solar Powered two-wheeler HEV Driven Two wheeler Electric Vehicle.

Ground transportation fuel efficiency rules have been tightening across the globe during the last decade. Power-split hybrid technology is one of the most promising options to achieve those stringent requirements. " The Toyota Prius, for example, has effectively applied this technology and shown a fuel efficiency increase of over 60%. Due to the fact that trucks now account for more than two-thirds of light-duty vehicle sales in the United States, few hybrid electric light trucks are now on the market.. 

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