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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Design of Rectangular Patch Wi-Fi Antenna using Coaxial Feed

( Volume 1 Issue 1,May 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sneha, Raghavendra Patidar


In this Paper, a rectangular patch Wi-Fi antenna using coaxial feed is designed, with complete mathematical calculations and the results are simulated using IE3D software with an operating frequency of 2.4  GHz. Wi-Fi is a wireless      networking technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal, it is also used to create a wireless LAN .Wi-Fi antenna are used at both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz. The Wi-Fi frequency is highest frequency on the mobile phone among all the application frequency. As the Microstrip patch antennas are small in size, light weight and integrated easily on device. the antenna performance is measured on IE3D software and we get optimum result.

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