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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Determination of The Drawings of Bent Metallic Products Created On CNC Machines

( Volume 3 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS



The paper presents studies and researches in the field of bending of metal parts on CNC machines. The paper proposes laborious research and studies on determining the drawings of metal parts with the thickness between 1 and 3 mm, considering that other variables such: the temperature variation during the processes of punching and bending, tool usage, the tolerance between the surfaces of the bending tools, the vibrations of the machines, their usage and the roughness of the sheet metals may influence the quality and precision of the products. Try to find answers to the many problems arising in the companies due to the quality of the economic goods.

This paper continues the research and studies made to determine the drawing of the bent metal components. During the study we obtained the bending coefficients for the components made out of metal sheet OL 37 with thickness of 1mm and 3 mm.

The geometry of the bending tools and their dimensions represent important variables that can influence the quality and conformity of the products created with digital control machines.

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