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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Determination of the Potential of Meteotsunami in the West Coast of Sri Lanka

( Volume 3 Issue 10,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

K.W. Indika, M. Ranagalage, E.M.S.Wijerathne, S.S.L. Hettiarachchi


Meteotsunami are tsunami-like waves of meteorological origin than of seismic origin. This study is done as the first determination of Meteotsunami around the Sri Lankan coast. Sea level data were used from permanent tide gauge stations establish Colombo, Trincomalee, Kirinda interconnected to the global sea level monitoring network establish by the inter-governmental oceanographic   commission. Using high frequency readings, specific events were identified and further analyzed to remove tidal constituents and to obtain residual sea level variations. Residual sea level height was fast filtered and high frequency detected to identify Tsunami waves as same as seismic tsunami waves. The atmospheric pressure gradient was 1008-1011milibar hours while the wind speed increase from 14.21 to 31.90 mph in during same period. The amplitude   of isolated meteotsunami event was higher than four time of residual’s STD (σ). Meteotsunami event was identified during low tide with wave height > 0.3 m.

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