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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Developing a Semi-Empirical Model to Infer Aerosol Optical Depth from SPOT Satellite Images

( Volume 8 issue 6,June 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chien-Hui Liu


Aerosol Optical Depth, SPOT satellite, Dark Target, Sunphotometer.


In this study, a semi-empirical model to retrieve aerosol optical depth (AOD) from SPOT satellite images is developed. It is based on linear regression between top-of-atmosphere reflectance of darkest pixel target at red band and ground-measured AOD550 (AOD at 550 nm). Its physical concept is explained. Test area over Tainan, Taiwan, is selected. Sun-photometer data over Chen-Kung_Univ station of Aerosol Robotic Network data are implemented. The results show that high determination coefficient (0.77) of the model is obtained, which indicates the feasibility of the developed model. Limitation of the developed model is also described.


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