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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Development and Analysis of Sisal Fiber and Amla Powder Natural Hybrid Composite

( Volume 7 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kshitij D. Moholkar, Sandeep. S. Wangikar, Shrikrushna B. Bhosale


Hybrid natural composite, Sisal-Amla, degree, scope, micron size, comparative analysis, Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength.


This paper aims on study of new types of natural hybrid composites. Many researchers are focusing on natural fiber composites but it is found that natural hybrid composites have better mechanical properties and better strength. The advantages like biodegradability, low cost of material, excess weight reduction, ecofriendly, renewable also helps to make them more noticeable. In this project fiber powder combinations of amla and sisal are used in which weight of fiber is kept same and powder percentage varied which gives more advantage than fiber-fiber hybrid composite due to smaller size of powder bonding strength increased and micro level bonding achieved.From these combinations of fiber and powder are manufactured by weight of amla powder 30% and micro analysis by considering different micron sizes 0-100,100-200,200-300 is made without disturbing weight of fiber and powder in two orientations Zero and Ninety degree.For 30% powder with ninety degree orientation gives best strength than others also in case of micro analysis   0-100 micron size with ninety degree and 30% powder gives the best results of strength.


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