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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Device for Blind People Navigation

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nimran Kaur, Ayush Sharma, Manisha Gururani, Atul Kumar Srivastava


Blind feel very discouraged because they need help to move around the outdoors and indoors. They can only walk through the known roads but they can’t detect the obstacle on their way. It is very difficult for them to walk on the roads. Blind people are not able to sense things. Blind people lose their friends and relatives due to their blindness. People should not look the disabilities of the blind. They must instead help them when in need.

For this purpose, we are going to develop an aid to help the blind people in walking, So that they can walk freely in the environment without being conscious. Major researches have been under consideration on developing a smart stick with various sensors attached to it to be used as a mobility aid by the blind as a part on an ongoing study. For the project we will be using sensors, GPS and GSM. Our project completely relies on implementing an innovative product to help the blind.

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