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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Diabetes Related Distress in Transitional Age Evaluated By Problem Areas In Diabetes In Type 1 Diabetic Patients from Marrakech

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nawal El Ansari, Laila Ennazk, Ghizlane El Mghari


Type 1 diabetes (T1D) represents 5.3% of all types on diabetes. Its incidence is increasing around the world as it is in the Middle East and North Africa Region, where the incidence is at 1/100 000. T1D touches young subjects and is then established in a growing body. Transitional period is a crucial phase with physical and emotional distress. Psychosocial difficulties are an additional challenge for these young patients.

Aim of the study: Evaluate diabetes distress in transitional age using ‘problem area in diabetes (PAID) in its Arabic transcultural adaptation.

Materials and methods: Problem area in diabetes questionnaire was self-administered in 50 type 1 diabetics that were followed up in the department of endocrinology in University medical hospital of Marrakech.

Results: Over the population evaluated; 54% were female. The median of age was 17, 54 years. 32% were younger than 15 years old and 68% were older. 84% were living in urban area. 78% of them were students. 48, 6% had duration of diabetes <5 years and 56% had an A1c above 9%. 18% of patients had a PAID score above 40, which indicates a diabetic distress. 8% had a PAID score less than 10. And it was between 10 and 40 in 74% of the patients.

Conclusion: A high prevalence of diabetes distress had been observed in our population of patients. Non-access to care, limited resources, and social problems explain this result. This kind of studies allows a better understanding and support of those patients and should lead toward an improvement of transitional care in diabetes.


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