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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Different Algorithms used for Hiding an Image using Steganography with Cryptography

( Volume 5 Issue 6,June 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Manju Kumari Gupta, Vipra Bohara


there are a lot of digital techniques exist for sending and storing images. These techniques require privacy, authenticity as well as integrity. Application of images is increasing in the medical field, science field, military field, engineering field, as well as the education field. In this paper, we provide a review and analysis of the different existing methods for hiding an image into another image and video.  In this paper, some methods for video steganography and image steganography are used. In video steganography, image is hidden into a video. Video is a collection of frames and frame is represented as an image so in this method, image is hidden into a frame (image) whereas in image steganography image is hidden into the image. This paper represents current trends in steganography, so in the future; we can develop appropriate and more secure steganography algorithms

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