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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Dinotefuran and Piperonyl Butoxide Mixture for The Extermination and Prevention of Ctenocephalides Canis and Ctenocephalides Felis Felis In Dogs And Cats

( Volume 3 Issue 11,November 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Joseph Yanai, Amir Kafri


Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis felis are insects which are among the most common ectoparasites of common household dogs and cats. Flea killers have been developed for decades to counter this worldwide pest. It is a never-ending battle because of the continuous genetic resistance presented by the pest. In the present study, we applied a mixture of the pesticide Dinotefuran (26% w/v) and the synergist Piperonyl butoxide (6% w/v) to dogs (Solpreme Dog™ and cats (Solpreme Cat™) infested with the fleas via “Spot on” method. The treatment exterminated all of the fleas within 3 days (100%, p< 0.001). Re-infestation after 10 days caused an increase in the number of fleas, yet most of the effect lasted for at least 30 days. Further tests showed that the treatment is safe, water resistant, and has a long shelf life. The development of this novel mixture of substances provides an effective, safe means in the struggle with the continuous development of resistance to pesticides among major skin parasites.

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