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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Early Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma Treatment

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Giorgio Maria Paul Graziano, Giovanni Castelli, Prof Antonino Graziano


The 80-90% of ovarian cancer occurs in women aged between 20 and 65 years, and less than 5% in children. In the great majority of cases (80%) it comes to benign tumors: 60% of them is diagnosed in women aged less than 40 years. numerous published studies regarding the treatment of initial states of ovarian cancer show that surgical treatment and chemotherapy have a close correlation in improved survival. . The purpose of this study is through an analytical review of reported cases to identify and remove the factors that influence the choice of surgical treatment so as to increase the survival and / or disease-free interval. Materials and Methods: From copies of medical records of patients have been incorporated all the necessary information for research, the following parameters: the FIGO staging The type of surgical treatment chemotherapy, the recovery of the disease, survival, with a cross-check with the 'pathological anatomy. In addition, the follow-up examinations blood chemistry markers tumor imaging studies (MRI tc) eco abdomen. Results: The complete treatment has affected n 118 cases (48%) in the treatment Fertile women only in cases of n 20/17%) in the remaining 44 cases (35%) The surgical treatment was incomplete. The grading in 75% of cases the tumor was poorly differentiated in the remaining 25% had serous type.
Discussion In epithelial cancer signs and symptoms tend to delay their appearance or be absent. only during an occasional clinical monitoring is diagnosed that is when the swelling is palpable and has reached significant size with non-specific manifestations and the presence of ascites Surgical removal in fertile women with a family history of ovarian disease is the series that the response only in patients bearers gene mutation (BCRA1-2). Conclusions The diagnosis of early ovarian cancer is difficult to be implemented, but with a good chance of successful treatment. .The Results of a standardized management and accurate contributes in increasing the percentage of early diagnosis with an increase in disease-free interval and survival. The new concepts of ovarian carcinogenesis, while it makes it even more complex screening problems of this cancer, may change the preventive approach in women at risk hereditary-familiar.

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