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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Effect of Food Quality on Customer Perceived Satisfaction Level and Mediating Effect of Food Safety on Them

( Volume 3 Issue 1,January 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ghulam Mohaydin, Abubakar Chand, Bilal Aziz, Munim Bashir, Junaid Irfan


Purpose:We done a study to known  impact of food safety on food quality and customer’s satisfaction and the purpose of our study to know how much people are concerned about safety of food what they eat in their routine life.

We used questionnaire to get results and our target group is students of UET.

Findings:We got to know that food safety has mediating effect on food quality and customer’s satisfaction and people are concerned about what they eat is either safe or not and pay attention to what adds up in their food and what they engulf in eating. Food producers and restaurants must pay attention to their food processing procedures and home cooking persons should make sure about healthy food items.

Limitations:All respondents are belong to one institution. Other researcher can add respondents of many demographics.   

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 835 | Downloads : 826 | Page No: 34-41 |

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