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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Effect of Grain Storage Conditions on the Accumulation of Mycotoxins

( Volume 8 Issue 12,December 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

T. Akhaladze, A. Chkuaseli, A. Chagelishvili, M. Khutsishvili-Maisuradze


Cereals, storage conditions, mycotoxins, pathogenic microflora.


Creating an optimal environment during grain storage has only one goal - maintaining grain yield/quantity and quality.

For full/effective grain storage, it is necessary to create environmental conditions that prevent the development of pests and microorganisms. The storage conditions are directly related to the issues of maintaining the quality of grain as raw material, because it is the bacterial and fungal organisms on the surface of the grain that begin to develop as soon as the conditions are favorable for it, on the basis of which the quality of the grain deteriorates, the storage capacity decreases and the yield/quantity of the grain decreases. The growth and development of fungal organisms leads to the accumulation of toxic compounds - toxins in the contents of the grain.

The article discusses the impact of different methods of grain storage on the level of highly dangerous agents mycotoxins and at the same time on the growth of colony-forming units of pathogenic microflora (mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria).

The research was carried out in the grain storage and drying complex of LTD "Chirina", the largest poultry meat products producer in Transcaucasia.


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