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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Effect of Process Parameters on Etch Depth of Stainless-Steel Material in Photo Chemical Machining by Using Different Etchants

( Volume 7 issue 7,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

S. V. Kulkarni, A. A. Utpat, B.A. Kamble


PCM, Polymer coating, Machining, Etching.


Now a days manufacture without burr and stress-free micro components Photochemical machining (PCM) is an emerging technology. To manufacture very thin, precision and complex parts in electronics, automotive and various other industries the use of non-conventional machining processes such as PCM are increasing. The first step of the process is designing a photo tool (CAD drawing) which is made by printing the drawing onto transparency paper. The investigation of Photochemical machining for Stainless Steel was analyzed at different control parameters. The control parameters are temperature and time and response parameters are etching depth and surface roughness. The study objective is to compare etching depth and roughness of Stainless-Steel (SS) material for two different etchants (Ferric chloride and Nitric acid) at different control parameters. The value of responses increases with increasing values of control parameters.


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