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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Effective Creative Charts Helps to Improve the Learning of Present Continuous Tense Among Rural Primary School Pupils

( Volume 5 Issue 2,February 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Esther Anatasia anak Kaleman, Dr Parilah Mohd Shah


The research is carried out in one of the school in Sarawak and the number of the participants is 10. I am using Kurt Lewin’s model in conducting my action research. This study is inspired by my previous teaching experience where the pupils are having difficulties in learning present continuous tense. Hence, the purpose of this study is to help to improve student’s learning of present continuous tense by using creative charts. Besides, this study also helps me to find out how do creative charts affect the teacher teaching of present continuous tense. The participants used the creative charts as the medium in constructing present continuous sentences. Each column of the charts represents one word in each sentence. Thus it helps to enhance the participants’ learning of present continuous tense. The action taken to conduct the research is using one early observation and two cycles. The amendments are done to the strategy and creative charts in the second cycle where I break the auxiliary verb with the main verb to reduce confusion. I used 7 steps in Lewin’s model in conducting the cycles which are identifying the problem, fact finding, planning my strategy, take the first action step, evaluate the strategy and findings, make amendments and start the next cycle. Besides, I have gathered the data by collecting, observing, interviewing, and getting feedback from the participants. Through the collection of data, I analysed and interpreted the data according to the findings that I have. The data is integrated because it helps me to make connections between my findings. In my findings, the participants are showing positive improvement.

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