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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Effectiveness of Adult Literacy Program through Computer Assisted E-Learning

( Volume 3 Issue 8,August 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

S.R.Jeyashree, T.Selvaraj


There are innumerable means, sources and methods of adult learning for adult literacy programs are experimented over the period of time. The evolutionary trends of methods, means and modes of adult education and its teaching methods are notable. There are number of researches shows that the methods of teaching especially adult literacy teaching have made positive impact on the adult learner’s performances from time to time since adult literacy is a basis for the development of society. In the recent years, technology has played a key role in promoting literacy among the illiterates in the rural and urban areas. Particularly, the computers are being utilized under this study to assists in teaching basic 3 “R” skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. The present article is highlighted the impact and effectiveness of the Adult Literacy Program through Computer Assisted E. Learning Software used in the promoting adult literacy among rural and urban illiterates.

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