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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Effectiveness of STMS Markers for Generating Unique DNA Profiles in Chickpea(Cicerarietinum L.) Germplasm

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ajaya Paliwal


Chickpea is diploid (2n=2x=16) self-poillinated, third most important grain legume in world. India is largest producer and consumer of chickpea. Because of narrow genetic base, scope of improvement is much lesser in chickpea as compared to major cereal crops. Available germplasm must have to be systematically evaluated and uniquely identified with the help of modern technology like molecular markers. STMS markers has proved their worthiness in germplasm characterization in many major crops and they are proved to be useful in chickpea too. In the present study total 46 chickpea germplasm were uniquely identified with the help of 9 STMS loci. Out of them TA 72 was least polymorphic while TA 8 was highly polymorphic with 5 uniformly distributed diverse alleles. TA 8 has the maximum resolving power to distinguish between the different genotypes of chickpea germplasm.

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