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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Effects and Controls of Downey Mildew of Grapes

( Volume 10 Issue 2,February 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Prof. Nisar S. Shaikh, Prof. Sushant S. Patil , Prof. Simran R. Sayyad, Prof. Swati S. Bhosale, Prof. Shridhar V. Kulkarni


Downey Mildew, Disease, yield, fruit, losses, etc


Downey Mildew is important disease in commercial  grapes in India. Downy mildew is an extremely serious fungal disease of grapes that can result in severe crop loss. It is caused by the fungus Plasmopara viticola. The pathogen attacks all green parts of the vine, especially the leaves. Lesions on leaves are angular, yellowish, sometimes oily, and located between the veins.This disease causes direct yield losses when flowers, fruit, and shoots become infected. Indirect losses result when premature defoliation impacts fruit quality, predisposes vines to winter injury, and reduces fruit set in the  season.


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