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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Effects of Covid-19 on HR Practices: A Review

( Volume 6 issue 9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Apoorva Akar


COVID-19, pandemic, HR challenges, remote working, reskilling, well-being


This paper is an attempt to make a diagnosis about the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on HR practices including recruitment and selection, remote working, motivating Re-vision of Future Trends in Human Resource Management (HRM) after COVID-19 employees, re-skilling and communicating. As the  organization mainly  depends on the people, it  has been  affected by the changes of purpose,  principles,  process,  and  performance  of  the organization. This study will align the dynamism of HR practices and survival strategies for a sustainable future.


The methodology of this study is mainly qualitative. The authors adopted a systematic literature review from recent publications. This framework is based on evolving  HR  practices  focusing  on  the  changes  and strategies  taken  by  the  organization. The sources of information are  assembled  from  different  kinds  of literature, recent articles, reports which are based on the prevailing pandemic situation


The biggest challenges for HR after COVID-19 will be: restructuring the place of work and the content of work, applying more advanced technology to recruitment, selection and performance; more interests, appreciation and motivation from managers will be needed as well as building trust, a sense of belonging among team members. The list of benefits will be revised towards enhancing mental health and well-being. The reality after the pandemic will require new competencies from managers and employees so re-skilling and re-training are the most expected approaches.


The COVID-19 turmoil has changed the prepared strategic plans for development of many organizations. This external factor hardened all continents and built a new reality where some recommendations are highly welcome. Thus, we proposed a few revisited personnel solutions which HR professionals may implement. We also invite other scholars to research the pandemic impact on many multidimensional levels: economic, political, social, technological, ethical ones.

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