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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Electric Power Generation Using Stirling Engine

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Mrinall K Patil, Mr. Rupam R Rahate, Ms.Shamli Muppidwar, Ms. Pooja Bongiri, Ms. Sonal Bele


The performance of Stirling engine meets demands of the efficient use of energy and environmental security and therefore they are the subject of much current interest. The Stirling engine is both practically and theoretically a significant device, its practical virtue is simple, reliable and safe which was invented by Robert Stirling in 1816. The Aim of this paper is to design and build a Stirling Engine Capable of Generating Electricity. Here Concentrated Solar energy is used as a potential Heat source. The main principle is the pressure and temperature difference between the Hot and Cold air, due to this pressure and temperature difference the pistons move to and fro. The pistons here are coupled with the flywheel, thus as the pistons move it rotates the flywheel. The Flywheel being coupled with the generator produces electricity.  Stirling Engine has the potential to use renewable heat source more easily, quieter and more reliable to low maintenance. Due to the advantage of the renewable source of energy i.e. the solar energy which is a free and eco-friendly source of energy and to minimize the use of other non-friendly and costly sources of this solar energy is being used.

            The study was undertaken to discuss the various sources of providing heat to the Stirling engine which included providing heat by burning waste, providing heat by using a gas cylinder and many more sources. In comparison to an internal combustion engine, Stirling engine offers high efficiency and less exhaust emission.

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 798 | Downloads : 789 | Page No: 111-115 |

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