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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Electrical Characterization of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Reactor in Air and Argon

( Volume 6 issue 9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

A. El-Amawy, G. El-Aragi, A. El-Zein, M. Talaat


Dielectric barrier discharge Plasma (DBDP), non-equilibrium plasma, Argon, current filaments


Dielectric barrier discharge Plasma (DBDP) is a type of non-equilibrium plasma that operates at atmospheric pressure. Electrical breakdown happens in many independent thin current filaments which are called micro discharges. These short-lived micro discharges have properties of transient atmospheric glow discharges with electron energies ideally suited for exciting or dissociating background gas atoms and molecules (Air and Argon). The discharge parameters such as gas gap voltage, discharge current, discharge consumed power for both Air and Argon are studied. The effect of different flow rates of Argon gas on the intensity of plasma and current signals was studied. The effect of different charging voltages on Air as the plasma photo and current filaments was studied.


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