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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Emergence of Ethics in Education

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Rashmi Mishra


Ethics is defined as the discipline dealing with what is good, what is bad and what is a moral duty and obligation? Ethics in organization deal with behavior of people that to an educational environment and by the body corporate with respect to ethical issues in public interest. The main sources of ethical behavior are values & goals. Now a day’s in organization principle codes such as ethical code, enforcement, and communication system are not followed well. Developing an ethical environment is a long term process in business  it is not only  a social responsibility but also an asset which have their own return in financial and non-financial terms. Recently have seen an increasing stress on the need tomonitor and manage educators, and hold them to account for ethics. Learning outcomes can be valuableif properly used, they have been misappropriated and adoptedwidely at all levels within the education system to facilitatethe managerial process. Theclaim that they can be made precise by being written with aprescribed vocabulary of special descriptors so as to serveas objective, measurable devices for monitoring performance,is fundamentally mistaken, and they may be damaging to educationwhen used in this way. The people are taking buyer and seller relationship in teacher and student role. That is the reason it has taken the shape of teaching organization rather than temple of olden time.

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