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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Empowering Economy Through ICT: A Case Study of Kashmir Valley

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Muheet Ahmed Butt, Majid Zaman


The beautiful valley of Kashmir is situated at such a place on the global map which puts several disadvantages for its overall economic and social development. The place is full of naturally occurring odds and impedances which need to be resolved by developing relevant strategies which will provide it with distinctive advantages. Besides, all these odds the Almighty has bestowed Kashmir with other advantages which need to be capitalized as has been done in most of the developed nations around the globe having same type of climatic conditions and natural recourses. All of the governments that have ruled the valley have been introducing several schemes for the economic welfare of the common people but mostly they are not up to the mark and because of that don’t meet the necessary goals. The proposed research provides an insight to the various potential areas of Kashmir which can be influenced to a great extent by the application of the Information Communication Technology practices. 

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