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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Energy Optimization of Building Using Design Builder Software

( Volume 4 Issue 1,January 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Bhagyesh S Pawar, Prof. G.N. Kanade


The infrastructure industry is growing at the rate of 12.5%. The development of new infrastructure results in the increase of energy consumption, in particular electrical power consumption. The real estate, infrastructure growth in field of IT parks, hospitals and institutional buildings is the prime need of developing country. In order to minimize the energy consumption, there is a lot of initiatives taken by various institutions so that the newly constructed buildings should take into consideration the electrical consumption of buildings.

The energy consumption can be reduced at the design stage by using the knowledge of climatology, solar engineering etc. In order to estimate the energy consumption of a building, energy consumption is analyzed using various methods. In this work the efforts are made to understand how to assess the energy consumption of a commercial buildings.

The software design built is used as a tool to assess and analyze the energy consumption of buildings. The software is used to quantify the architectural design concept to assess the energy consumption and the design can be modified to further reduce the energy consumption

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Total View : 852 | Downloads : 843 | Page No: 69-73 |

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