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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Enhancing Public Housing Quality Using Machine To Machine Communication for SDG 11 In Ikeja GRA, Lagos

( Volume 9 Issue 2,February 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

OLUNLOYO Olubukola Ainafnitp, OJOSIPE Tolulope


OLUNLOYO Olubukola Ainafnitp, OJOSIPE Tolulope


The aim of this paper is to improve public housing quality and provide socio-economic sustainability through smart equipment and appliances in homes bridged by the Internet of Things (IoT) using Machine to Machine (M2M) communication network in Ikeja. This is achieved through collection of secondary data as a compliment of primary data. Questionnaire administration for primary data collection was achieved using simple random sampling technique. Oral interview was also conducted for officials in Ministry of Housing, for operational information and challenges. The sample frame is the total number of streets in Ikeja GRA which is 46 streets. The sample size from this is 25% of streets in the study area. Hence, 150 questionnaires were administered randomly to respondent household heads on 12 selected streets. Findings from the study reveal that despite Ikeja Government Reserved Area (GRA)’s economic relevance, the study area is faced with environmental defects caused by government negligence. These inadequacies are manifest as flooding, bad road, overstretched utility and buildings. These defects were confirmed by interviewed officials in the Ministry of Housing. Therefore, in order to ensure sustainable housing and environmental quality in the study area, recommendations would be the domestication of sustainable development goal 11 and inclusive rehabilitation of Ikeja GRA, Lagos.


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