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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Environmental Education and Higher Education: An Interdisciplinary Teaching Challenge

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Juliana Oliveira Santos, Victor Barbosa Dutra, Milton Ferreira da Silva Junior


There is an urgent need of connection between diverse areas of knowledge under an interdisciplinary approach in higher education, especially, in regard to environmental issues. The learning process in higher education should promote humanist, social and political formation. Environmental education should be integrated to social practices in order to achieve sustainable development, common good and quality of life. The study here reported is aimed at both checking if the environmental themes and related actions are inserted in political-pedagogical projects (PPP) and curricular activities of universities in Vitória da Conquista, State of Bahia, Brazil; and at evaluating if the educators are cognizant of and trained in environmental education. Results show deficiencies in PPP and in curricular activities regarding the environmental theme, what confirms the need to insert an effective environmental education awareness among students and teachers.

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Total View : 851 | Downloads : 842 | Page No: 87-91 |

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