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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Environmental Education and Their Ways of Subjectivation in Educational Field

( Volume 1 Issue 7,November 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Celeste Dias Amorim, Luiz Artur dos Santos Cestari


The knowledge and technology development, specifically during the contemporaneity, time of great achievements, and the predominance of rationality that brought contributions and advantages to societies on the one hand, but unpredicted consequences to the people on the other. This text is based on the assumption that environmental speeches are established in the educational field correlating their training goals with the ways of subjectivation in order to bridge the shortfall of human emancipation, which was caused by the development of the technical-instrumental rationality. Thus, the objective is to show that the environmental claim in education is done through concepts and values already consolidated in the literature published in the humanities, taking them as forms of subjectivity, understood here as advertised forms of subject concepts through their concepts. A qualitative approach, following Arendt's conception, is through action (speech) that man is manifested with each other, for man as a being historically constituted is inserted into the world through word and deed. It is through discourse (action) proposed by the Environmental Education through subjectivities, such as citizenship, participation, identity among others, the environmental discourse establishes its training goals in education, introducing an important path of dialogue between the environmental field and educational.Then, the subjectivation shows an important path of the environmental speeches in the educational field. The debate about environmental education which must be mediated by the discussion on the human formation, promoting an emancipation of the subject capable of questioning, discussing and reflecting on the action of individuals in the society, by overtaking the instrumental rationality.

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