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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Evaluation of College Physical Education Dance Class Online Learning Module during the Covid-19 Pandemic

( Volume 8 issue 6,June 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ma. Socorro Gigi V. Cordova, Janet S. Mariano


covid-19, dance, online class, online learning module, physical education


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the online learning module (OLM) in college physical education (PE) dance classes during the covid-19 pandemic. Research is limited relating to this topic. Fifteen participants were enrolled in this study. This descriptive study employed the mixed method approach a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis (Creswell & Tashakkori 2007). The mixed-method was used through a survey questionnaire and a semi-structured interview as research instruments to collect quantitative and qualitative data.


The study showed that students strongly agree that the PE dance OLM  is exhibiting a high degree of excellence in content accuracy, design and usability.  it effectively engages the user towards learning and it has a potential ability to achieve learning for the users.

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