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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Evaluation of Relationship between Bearing Capacity and Density of Soil

( Volume 10 Issue 2,February 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Tatikonda G. S. , Mr. Shaikh F. U., Ms. Gaikwad S. A. , Mr. Ghule S. N.


Dry Unit Weight , Bearing capacity of Soil , Direct Shear test , Sieve Analysis.


Now a day for construction of heavy structures Soil bearing capacity calculation is more important for stability, durability, and construction and planning purposes. To determine the bearing capacity of soil heavy equipment are required and it should be avoided by using the relationship between safe bearing capacity and dry unit wt. of soil. Practically, as density of soil is increases then the safe bearing capacity of soil is also increase. There for by knowing the density of soil safe bearing capacity of soil is easily determined. So, we decide to work on these concept/ideas. By using this concept field test works are minimized in large construction works, long highway construction works for same soil property. For determining this relationship Standard penetration equipment, core cutter, direct shear test machine etc. are used in this project work.


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