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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Evaluation of the Fast Freezing Method in Cryopreservation of Human Ovarian Tissue for Oocyte Viability

( Volume 1 Issue 4,August 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chrysostomos D. Anastasilakis, George Β. Maroulis, Nikoleta Koutlaki-Kourti , Vasileios Limperis , Nikolaos E. Papadopoulos , Maria K. Papaioannou ,Grigorios T. Sakellariou ,Athina Gkiomisi


The evaluation of the fast freezing method as an option for fertility maintenance, after long-term human ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Samples were obtained from premenopausal women, who have had children, who were undergoing gynecologic surgery. The samples were cryopreserved for six years. Subsequently, were thawed and examined for the presence of oocytes and were immunohistochemically evaluated. Only 10% of the samples showed the presence of oocytes. That was not associated with age, body mass index, age at first birth or the number of offsprings, the underlying disorder or the side of the ovary removed.

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