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Examining the Dynamics of General and Specific Didactics: Case Study the Use of Conflict Resolution Approach in the Teaching of Citizenship Education

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Mbonteh Vivian Mbole Nkong


The secondary school system of Cameroon has suffered a lot of critic from parents and general public especially at the domain of implementing the curriculum for effective skills acquisition and competence of the learner, so this study seek to examines the Dynamics of General and Specific Didactics, Case Study: The Use of Conflict Resolution Approach in the Teaching of Citizenship Education in Cameroon. The study was carried out through descriptive survey. The study population included Citizenship teachers in Secondary Schools in Cameroon. From this population, a sample of 50 Citizenship secondary schools teachers were drawn using purposive sampling. The instruments used for data collection were:  questionnaire, document analysis and classroom observation checklist. Descriptive statistics namely: frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study showed that, majority of the secondary schools and teachers teaching citizenship in Cameroon secondary schools lack the competency of teaching conflict resolutions as a result neglect that aspectof the affective domainin the citizenship curriculum. Secondly Conflict Resolution in the current Secondaryschools curriculum is a matter of core topic that cut crossed many other subjects, is not a subject on its own, when the society rely on morality, peace and integrity to sustained, which is currently lacking.  The teachers also lacked sufficient didactics for effective teaching of Conflict Resolution and other related topics, there is much more use of general didactics than specific didactics in secondary schools curriculum of Cameroon especially the Citizenship curriculum.  Conclusively, the study was that curriculum developers in Cameroon are currently realizing the needs and relevance of the topic conflict resolution in Cameroon and should focused their curriculum more to the affective domain.

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