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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Experimental Analysis of Solar Dryer for Agricultural and Food Products

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kshitij Moholkar, Akshay Jadhao, Rohit Chavan, Ravindra Bhosale, Kuldip Pukale


The drying of various agricultural food products is from very far old centuries are under a presence of the sun, in this drying process has several demerits also i.e. spoiling to the skin due to a very high hot summer temperature, polluted air, dust and harmful effects of UV radiations. Hence only in the best weather, climatic conditions this process is suitable to the manpower, laborfarmers etc.Due to the cultural and industrial revolutions, the different artificial drying processes havecome into the practice but some of them has ultimate cost and some other parameters. Therefore, by using many more recent ideas and techniques of science we have developed most efficient and successful process of sun drying i.e. "solar dryer." this solar dryer totally utilizes the solar energy to heat up air and dry the agricultural products by gradual removing of moisture content from final product.

This paper represents the design, construction and experimentation of a portable solar dryer for various agricultural food preservations. In this solar dryer the heated air from a solar panel is passed through a food net or bed, and also at this time, the drying cabinet or interior absorbs the extra solar energy indirect type from the reflection mirror which we have adjusted newly to it.


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