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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Experimental Approach of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for CO2 Miscible Flooding: Application to Egyptian Oil Fields

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

E.M. Mansour, A.M. Al- Sabagh, S.M. Desouky, F.M. Zawawy, M.R. Ramzi


At the present time, carbon dioxide (CO2) miscible flooding has become an important method in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) for recovering residual oil, and in addition it may help in protection of the environment as carbon dioxide (CO2) is widely viewed as an important agent in global warming. This paper presents a study of the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) injection on miscible flooding performance for Egyptian oil fields and focuses on designing and constructing a new miscibility lab with low cost by setup a favorable system for carbon dioxide (CO2) injection to predict the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) which was required for carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding projects where every reservoir oil sample has its own unique minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). Experimental data from different crude oil reservoirs carried out by slim tube test that is the most common and standard technique of determining minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) in the industry, but this method is expensive, there for we designed this kind of a favorable system (slim tube test) for carbon dioxide (CO2) injection. The Possibility of carbon dioxide (CO2) miscible flooding application to 45.5 % of Egyptian oil fields would be very beneficial for Egypt’s reservoirs and subsequently the national economy.

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