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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Experimental Investigation of ECMM Parameters through Micro Hole Drilling using RSM

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Lajwanti Parwani, Dilip Gehlot, Love Kishore Sharma, Yadram Singh


ECMM is an advanced version of ECM. It is a non-conventional machining process.  Electrochemical micro-machining (ECMM) appears to be very promising as a future micromachining technique since in many areas of applications, it offers several advantages, which include higher machining rate, better precision and control, short lead time and a wide range of materials that can be machined and fabrication of microhole. In the micro ECM process, it is not easy to decide the optimal machining parameters for improving the output quality because this process is complex. The optimization of process parameters is essential for the realization of a higher productivity, which is the preliminary basis for survival in today’s dynamic market conditions. Optimal quality of the workpiece in ECMM can be generated through combinational control of various process parameters [1].  In this paper we have taken three input parameter Voltage, Concentration and Inter electrode Gap (IEG) to optimize material removal rate (MRR). Response surface methodology is used as an optimization tool to design the set of experiments and to find the optimum values. The electrolyte used is NaNO3 (Sodium Nitrate), and workpiece used is aluminum with the copper electrode as the tool.

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