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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Experimental Study on Performance Characteristics of Electrodynamic Rotors in Maglev Transportation System

( Volume 5 Issue 9,September 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Syed Hassaan Abdullah, Mirza Shuja Mohiuddin, Mohammed Hasnain, Mohammed Irfan Siddiq, Mohammed Abdul Aziz


When an array of rare-earth magnets, embedded in a rotor, is subjected to mechanical rotation over a conductive, paramagnetic guide-plate, where the axis of the rotor is perpendicular to the guideway, it induces eddy currents that create a counter magnetic field resulting in levitation and drag forces. Since the net drag force in the guide-plate is zero, hence, rotors only generate levitation forces that stabilize the system without creating any directional motion. This paper is an attempt to investigate the effects of varying parameters (rotational speed of rotors, number of magnetic poles and material & dimensions of guide-plate) on a “quadcopter” working on electromagnetic levitation achieved by spinning electrodynamic rotors. Additional investigation on the effect of an increase in temperature of the guide plate on the lift of the quadcopter was also recorded.


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