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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Expression of Jouissance in Folklore of Rajasthan

( Volume 7 issue 7,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Payal Mathur


Rajasthani Folklore, Jacques Lacan, Jouissance, the Big other and the Small other.


Rajasthan is famous for its rich culture and diverse traditions. The folklore of Rajasthan is unique and distinguishes it from other states of India. The songs are joyously sung at festivals like Gangaur and Teej. They are not only a source of entertainment but also a medium for women to express their needs. They share a unified feeling of dissatisfaction from their marriage bond. With their husbands gone away for jobs, women involve themselves with illicit lovers. Lacan's theory of Jouissance is reflected in their songs when they jubilantly sing about their bedroom relations in front of everyone. The psychological and sociological conditions of the village women are demonstrated with Lacan’s concept of the ‘small other’ and the ‘big other’. The way village women boldly display their internal desires breaks the preconceived image that we had created. 

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