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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Fabrication of Micro Channel Mold by using CO2 Laser Machining

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mayur M. Jokare, Abhishek H. Vedpathak, Rajendra D. Pawar, Digambar T. Kashid, Sandeep S. Wangikar


Mostly the micro channel parts are significant for lab on a chip device. Use of micro channels is in biomedical devices and micro fluidic applications. The fabrication of micro channel is quite tough by using conventional manufacturing. To characterize technology, different methods are used for the fabrication of micro channel. By using both conventional and non-conventional techniques, like micro milling, lithography, embossing processes and laser ablation processing. In this paper, a study on the use of a commercial CO2 laser system for fabrication of micro-channel molds using Acrylic material. The accuracy of micro channel mainly depends on the fabricated molds. by using laser power and scanning speed we can control the depth of micro channel. To analyze the effect of Laser power and scanning speed on the depth of the Micro channel mold primary experimentation is performed. According to analysis, it is observed that the depth of micro channel mold increasing linearly with an increase in laser power and decreasing with increasing speed. the micro channel with a straight configuration having Y shaped inlet with triangular obstacles .by using the CO2 Laser machining on Polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA) the (split and recombine approach, SAR) is fabricated.  The fabricated mold can be used for the soft lithography process. The fabricated Micro Channel mold has been performed using RAPID I Vision 5 microscope and Mitutoyo surface roughness tester.


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