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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Factors Associated with Stress among Nursing Students in Pokhara

( Volume 5 Issue 8,August 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Keshav Lamichhane


This study aims to find the factors associated with stress among nursing students in Pokhara. For this purpose, information was collected from all the one hundred ten nursing students studying proficiency certificate level in Charak Academy, Pokhara by using structured questionnaire. A purposive sampling technique was applied to collect data from all the nursing students. Chi-square test was applied to find the factors associated with stress.

Univariate analysis shows that the stress is low among PCL third year students while stress is high among first- and second-year students. More than half of the students have low stress among nurses in age group 17-21year as compared to 60 percent to nurses in age group 22-25 year. Likewise, the level of stress is high among nurses from nuclear family (52.8%) as compared as 23.8% nurses in joint family.

Bivariate analysis (chi square) shows that the majority of the variables are not significantly related to the stress, however educational level and family type are found significantly related to the stress among the nurses.


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