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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Factors Associated with Uterine Prolapse among Married Women of Reproductive Age Group of Gorkha District

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kabita Pathak, Sudip Khanal


Pelvic organ prolapse is the widespread chronic problem among women in Nepal; particularly among adult and old women of hilly areas. Uterine prolapse is a condition when the uterus drops from its normal position. The major purpose of the study was to assess the prevalence and factors associated with uterine prolapse in Gorkha district of Nepal. The community based descriptive cross sectional study conducted among the 153 married women of the Gorkha district. Simple random sampling procedure was adopted. Face to face interview was conducted with respondents using pre-tested, structured interview schedule. Data were analyzed by statistical package for social Sciences (20 Version) and results were presented in table and figures. Percentage, mean, median, Chi Square test was applied. 

Prevalence of uterine prolapse was found to be 13.7%. Majorities of the respondents were over 35 years of age. Difficulty in sitting was reported by more than 75% cases. It was found that Uterine prolapse is statistically significant with family income (p =0.017), Educational status (p=0.007), family type (p=0.048). It was found that knowledge level is statistically not significant with caste (p =0.617), religion (p=0.631), income level (p=0.493). Among 21 respondent 47.6% of respondent were treated the UP. But almost 52% were unable to treat their disease. Concerning the place of treatment, 80% of cases used public health facilities and only 20% of cases used medical and hospital facilities.

Uterine prolapse was observed among women; among these almost all were married before the age of 20 years. Illiterates and low family income women were suffered greatly. The service utilization was reported to be low among respondents. Women’s empowerment, income generating activities and provision of educational opportunities are recommended for the prevention of uterine prolapse.


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