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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Factors Determine Stock Return of Livestock Feed Companies: Common Effect Model Analysis

( Volume 4 Issue 5,May 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS



The main objective of this study was provide evidence that would contribute to efforts to explain that the profitability ratios represented by Return On Asset, liquidity ratio represented by the Current Ratio, solvency ratio represented by Debt to Equity Ratio, the market ratio represented by Price Earning Ratio and special variable of imported of animal feed import can be used to predict stock returns that may occur in the future. Testing is done using the data selected by purposive sampling in LQ 45 group companies in the Indonesia Stock exchange, using data period 2012-2016. Quantitative data analysis used to the the hypothesis that is delivered through the presentation of data. The result of this research have shown that ROA and price of imported animal feed have positive and significant effect. CR, DER, and PER has insignificant effect to stock returns.

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