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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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FinDoctor-Interactive Android Clinic Geographical Information System Using Firebase and Google Maps API

( Volume 3 Issue 7,July 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Anisa Rahmi, I Nyoman Piarsa,Putu Wira Buana


Health is a very important thing for human life. Health must be maintained for human survival. This is the main reason someone is looking for a doctor as fast and appropriate in dealing with the illness or commonly called a check-up. The number of processes that must be done by patient while seeing the doctor can make the patient feels uncomfortable. Departing from these problems, a system should facilitates the relationship between patient and doctor in a more efficient way. This research proposes a mobile Android and web application to facilitate the needs between doctors and patients. The designed application using MySQL as the main data storage like data of doctors, patients, clinics, and doctor's assistant. Firebase Storage is use for saving additional data such as doctor's files, or photos. The system also uses other Firebase service that are Firebase Real-Time Database to handle chat data and Firebase Notification to create notifications. The application also uses Google Maps API to support GIS.

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